Re: Gnome-Standalone Problem Fixed

Thanks for this package -- I intend to try gnomeifying a
program-which-will-eventually-be-cool starting with gnome-standalone

I find that if you can get "make dist" and "make distcheck" to work
(look at automake documentation), these are the best ways to take your
gnu-compatible cvs sources and distribute them via tarball.


>>>>> "F" == Frater Reklaw <> writes:

    F> Hi everyone,

    F> I've fixed the so called "RedHat Specific" problem with
    F> gnome-standalone. "make clean" didn't clean as well as I
    F> expected, it included the depends from my computer.

    F> I've updated the tarball. If you are already using it do rm -rf
    F> .deps */.deps

    F> And that should fix it.

    F> I've also fixed a broken link to the tarball.

    F> Oh well, It's was a good dry run of the problem that may pop up
    F> when trying to distrubute code and good stuff to put on my
    F> begining developers page. Maybe now I can work on the gnome CVS
    F> front-end.

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