(initial) Gnothello thoughts...

Compiled great, ran great.  I like it.

Handles situations where there is no valid move. Great.

Detects end games where neither player has a valid 
move. Excellent.

My one criticism is that the AI needs to do a better 
job of protecting the corners.  Makes it a little too 
easy to win, if the corners are just *given* away. =)

-- ebm
|  __                         a.k.a. Eric B. Mitchell |
|  |_) .  _  _|      _|  _     ericmit@ix.netcom.com  |
|  | \ ( (_ (_| (_| (_| (/_   www.netcom.com/~ericmit |
| How's My Programming?   Call:  1 - 800 - DEV - NULL |

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