Re: Tutorial on GNOME session manager support

Miguel de Icaza <> writes:
> > What would be nice though, is some decision/finalization of the
> > DocBook stuff (simple things like topic.dat generation, filename
> > conventions (eg the help browser expects index.html) and build
> > procedure).
> We can just use DocBook and extract the topics with a simple grep/sed
> combo.  The Topic could be marked with a special comment, say
> <!--TOPIC:openfiles--> and using
> grep '<\!--TOPIC:' file | sed -e 's/.*TOPIC://' -e 's/--.*//' 
> would get us the output for the topics.

That's fine with me.  Can someone who is familiar with DocBook
write a small script that does "the right thing", including this
topic.dat generation so that all the author has to do is something

gen-gnome-docs mydocs.sgml

and all the cool stuff drops out?  I think if it were that easy
we might have a little more docs on GNOME programs.


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