numeric keypad script


Here's a script to find suspicious-looking places where numeric keypad
support may be lacking. It misses cases where people use an ascii char
such as '*' instead of GDK_asterisk, etc. though, and will raise some
false alarms.

Someone might want to fix libgnomeui with this.


#! /usr/bin/python

import string
import re
import sys

syms = [
    ('GDK_space', 'GDK_KP_Space'),
    ('GDK_Tab', 'GDK_KP_Tab'),
    ('GDK_Tab', 'GDK_ISO_Left_Tab'),
    ('GDK_Return', 'GDK_KP_Enter'),
    ('GDK_F1', 'GDK_KP_F1'),
    ('GDK_F2', 'GDK_KP_F2'),
    ('GDK_F3', 'GDK_KP_F3'),
    ('GDK_F4', 'GDK_KP_F4'),
    ('GDK_Home', 'GDK_KP_Home'),
    ('GDK_Left', 'GDK_KP_Left'),
    ('GDK_Up', 'GDK_KP_Up'),
    ('GDK_Right', 'GDK_KP_Right'),
    ('GDK_Down', 'GDK_KP_Down'),
    ('GDK_Prior', 'GDK_KP_Prior'),
    ('GDK_Page_Up', 'GDK_KP_Page_Up'),
    ('GDK_Next', 'GDK_KP_Next'),
    ('GDK_Page_Down', 'GDK_KP_Page_Down'),
    ('GDK_End', 'GDK_KP_End'),
    ('GDK_Begin', 'GDK_KP_Begin'),
    ('GDK_Insert', 'GDK_KP_Insert'),
    ('GDK_Delete', 'GDK_KP_Delete'),
    ('GDK_equal', 'GDK_KP_Equal'),
    ('GDK_asterisk', 'GDK_KP_Multiply'),
    ('GDK_plus', 'GDK_KP_Add'),
    ('GDK_minus', 'GDK_KP_Subtract'),
    ('GDK_period', 'GDK_KP_Decimal'),
    ('GDK_slash', 'GDK_KP_Divide'),
    ('GDK_0', 'GDK_KP_0'),
    ('GDK_1', 'GDK_KP_1'),
    ('GDK_2', 'GDK_KP_2'),
    ('GDK_3', 'GDK_KP_3'),
    ('GDK_4', 'GDK_KP_4'),
    ('GDK_5', 'GDK_KP_5'),
    ('GDK_6', 'GDK_KP_6'),
    ('GDK_7', 'GDK_KP_7'),
    ('GDK_8', 'GDK_KP_8'),
    ('GDK_9', 'GDK_KP_9')

regs = []

not_indentifier_char = '[^a-zA-Z_0-9]'

for s in syms:
    regs.append ( (re.compile (s[0] + not_indentifier_char),
                   re.compile (s[1] + not_indentifier_char)) )

for file in sys.argv[1:]:
    plain_counts = []
    kp_counts = []
    for s in syms:
        plain_counts.append (0)
        kp_counts.append (0)
    lines = open (file).readlines ()
    for line in lines:
        i = 0
        while i < len (syms):
            plain = regs[i][0]
            kp    = regs[i][1]

            match = (line)
            if (match):
                plain_counts[i] = plain_counts[i] + 1

            match = (line)
            if (match):
                kp_counts[i] = kp_counts[i] + 1

            i = i + 1

    i = 0
    while i < len (syms):
        p = plain_counts[i]
        kp = kp_counts[i]

        if (p != kp):
            print "File %s has %d %s and %d %s" % (file, p,
            syms[i][0], kp, syms[i][1])

        i = i + 1

print "Done."

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