_APP_ properties construct only

I'd like to make the following 4 properties NOT be construct only:
#define GNOME_PARAM_APP_PREFIX          "app-prefix"
#define GNOME_PARAM_APP_SYSCONFDIR      "app-sysconfdir"
#define GNOME_PARAM_APP_DATADIR         "app-datadir"
#define GNOME_PARAM_APP_LIBDIR          "app-libdir"

The reason is that recently I've found at least one place where some libs
call gnome_program_init for the program (which is somewhat evil, so
at least in the one place I'd like to remove it, but I think somewhere
it may be desirable).  In any case, there will be no way to set this after
this is done if these are construct only.  In fact they are not even used
during the construction and are only used for the per-app file domains for
the locate_file function.  There is 0 bad impact on anything currently
out there.  Can I do this?  Does this even qualify as an API change since
it seems more like a bug (since these are not construct properties)


George <jirka 5z com>
   Where all men think alike, no one thinks very much.
                       -- Walter Lippmann

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