Re: gnome-keyring auto login

Am Mittwoch, den 31.05.2017, 12:10 +0100 schrieb fox_heohkc:
I'm struggling to understand exactly what your requirements are. I
imagine that it's not too difficult to implement different
authentication methods rather than typing in a password. e.g.
fingerprint scan, voice recognition etc.

Well - lots of people want automatic login after boot, or after resume
from suspend. But Gnome keyring only offers this option bundled with an
inacceptable security problem.

As far as I understand, for encryption a bit of additional information
is required - which now comes from the password. NB: A simple-enough
password to be typed in every day already is a security risk...)

My question is - couldn't this bit of information be saved on the
computer? - Or mined from the computer's hardware? - Or a hardware


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