Re: gnome-keyring Request for comments on security of authentication/authorisation UIs

Dodier-Lazaro, Steve <s dodier-lazaro 12 ucl ac uk> wrote:
I'm afraid we don't currently have a clear plan for how all the pieces
will fit together, but we do have ideas and are looking to develop a
concrete plan for the UX in the near future.

One does one keep informed about this? Where do I sign up?

That's a good question. You can subscribe to the wiki page that I
linked to, follow this mailing list, and follow Planet GNOME. I'm sure
that there will be traffic on this topic once we make progress.

One relevant area is
sharing [1], as the UX mechanism through which it is possible to share
data between applications.

Interesting. It seems these UIs play a specific goal though, maybe better coined
as "Publishing" to specific destinations made compatible one by one. There are
many different models for how an app may process the user's data and how you could
combine apps. I've been trying to think of sandboxing in terms that don't involve
me having to figure out / describe / support these models at all but there is a
lot of research to do to find the right approach to data sharing for sandboxed apps.
There isn't a single existing product I'm happy with, but this is maybe off-topic
for now (very happy to discuss it elsewhere though).

I don't think we've fully decided what kind of mode we'll use for
"sharing". You're right that it could be purely about publishing, or
sharing between people. Another model is that sharing becomes the
generic action for passing data between apps, or between apps and
devices: eg. a document viewer could say "share this document with my


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