Re: gnome-keyring Problem with GnomeKeyring vs gpg-agent

On 08/10/2011 03:15 PM, Martin Paljak wrote:
> Hello,
> when trying to use gpg2 with a CryptoStick[1], I ran into a problem
> which seems to relate to the gpg-agent in GnomeKeyring [2].

I guess that's because the gnome-keyring agent doesn't (yet) support
gnupg smart card operations.

To disable the gnome-keyring agent you can run:

$ gnome-session-properties

And then uncheck 'GPG Password Agent', log out and log back in.

Does anyone want to help complete this work? Anyone want to research if
there's a way if we can integrate better with the gpg2 smart card agent?
Is it available as a library that we could load, or perhaps some other
form of integration?

I have my hands pretty full right now, but I'd certainly help coordinate
with someone who got into this.



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