Re: gnome-keyring Draft Security FAQ

On 07/21/2010 06:50 PM, Yaron Sheffer wrote:
> I have posted a draft of the FAQ on the wiki,
> (still not linked from
> the main Keyring page). I have underlined two points that I wasn't sure
> about. I would appreciate your comments and corrections, either on the
> list or by editing the actual page: is this useful, can we organize it
> better, did I get the facts right, is there anything missing?

This is great. Thanks for putting it together. There was GUADEC, so I
procrastinated answering this email until now. :(

Made a few changes, but nothing is set in stone:

 * The login keyring is not locked on user switching. This is an
   area that we need work on.

 * About new file format.

 * Various other minor clarifications.



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