Delay in next issue, and request for GNOME 3.0 articles

Issue # 22 of GNOME Journal, the bilingual GNOME Hispano edition, is delayed because Paul and I have been busy with other work. Our new release date: 7 March, in one week.

I am seeking GNOME 3-related articles for issue # 23, which I would like to have out in the first week of April, along with the GNOME 3 launch. Daf Harries is writing about the design methodology behind GNOME 3, with interviews with GNOME Shell designers & developers. For additional ideas:

Will, Sri, & others who have previously volunteered -- interested? Sri, your idea of a gnome-shell-extensions article sounds great. I would like at least four articles in the GNOME 3.0 issue, so I need three more people to commit (aside from Daf). Deadline for articles is 20 March.


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