Re: Enterprise Active Directory support question

On Mon, 2013-02-11 at 08:29 +0100, Stef Walter wrote:
In GNOME 3.6 Enterprise logins was introduced. This feature is very
attractive for enterprise deployments because it makes possible to
add GNOME workstations into Windows networks with Active Directory.
My understanding of this feature is that it only enables users to
on their GNOME workstations, so it doesn't enable them to use the
shared folders or network printers of their domains without login
again for every shared resource.

Well it should do those things. I know that the shared folders does
work. For example, we tested it in Fedora:

And automatic login with NTLM, and keeping a Kerberos TGT valid, are
both mostly solved problems too. Although we do need to dust that work
off and merge it.


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