Infrastructure | New Mirror: Belgium, for (#685)

Title: GitLab

Wim Godden created an issue: #685

What's the organization sponsoring the mirror you'd like us to include? Solutions -

Mirror URL would be http or

Why are you interested in mirroring GNOME's code? What's the town/city, country, and continent in which the mirror is located? Are you currently mirroring any other major FOSS project already? We're currently mirroring quite a number of open source projects (see ). We'd like to add GIMP to that growing list. It's our little way of sharing a bit back (next to our own open source contributions). Our infrastructure is based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe. We have 2 x 10Gbps uplink capacity.

Please include an administrative e-mail which can be used to report problems and procedural changes

Main point of contact name and surname, e-mail (possibly pointing to a request tracker of any sort in case the main contact is not available.

mirrors cu be or via Twitter @cube_solutions

/cc @averi

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