Jiri Eischmann created an issue: #596
Account details
Please provide the following information:
- Jiri Eischmann
- jiri eischmann cz
- eischmann
- I'm a GNOME Foundation member and the account has not been created for me.
Once your account has been created, you should be able to reset your GNOME Account password via:
Once done, please login with your username and the password you just set at the following website:
You will then be able to manage your account including adding SSH keys which will then be automatically syncronized against GitLab. Please also remember your GNOME Account allows you to login against all the hosted services including Discourse, Events website, Pastebin, Nextcloud, Gitlab etc.
Note: We require RSA (4096 preferred). Use ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
. Please make sure your key matches all
the requirements listed at https://wiki.gnome.org/Infrastructure/SSHKeyGuidelines before adding it.
/cc @averi