Infrastructure | New Account: Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras (#593)

Title: GitLab

Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras created an issue #593:

Account details

Please provide the following information:

  1. Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
  2. devrtz fortysixandtwo eu
  3. In order of preference: "devrtz" is both a nickname and inspired by my name: dEv(angelos)R(ibeiro)Tz(aras)
    • and I use it already for In case this does not work I could also live with "eribeiro" or "etzaras".
  4. I'm interested in helping to bring GNOME to mobile devices such as the Librem 5 or the PinePhone. I have contributed a few patches to GNOME Calendar and am currently working on implementing designs by Tobias Bernard for calls [1], a call handler application I maintain for Purism. I've been in contact with the release team in order to move calls to the GNOME infrastructure [2].

Cheers, Evangelos

[1] [2] GNOME/gnome-build-meta#363

Once your account has been created, you should be able to reset your GNOME Account password via:

Once done, please login with your username and the password you just set at the following website:

You will then be able to manage your account including adding SSH keys which will then be automatically syncronized against GitLab. Please also remember your GNOME Account allows you to login against all the hosted services including Discourse, Events website, Pastebin, Nextcloud, Gitlab etc.

Note: We require RSA (4096 preferred). Use ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096. Please make sure your key matches all the requirements listed at before adding it.

/cc @averi

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