Infrastructure | Merge accounts or delete/rename old account (#588)

Title: GitLab

Philipp Schaffrath created an issue #588:

Account details

  1. Your full name: Philipp Schaffrath
  2. Your existing account name: phisch (old) and phisch1 (new)

Your request

I lost access to the account, which I think I registered with an old Google business account I don't have access to anymore. As an alternative i just registered (notice the 1), and used that from there on.

I was wondering if you guys could either:

  1. merge the two accounts
  2. delete the old phisch account, so i could reclaim that handle with the new account
  3. rename the old phisch account to something like phisch_old, so i could reclaim that handle with the new account

/cc @averi

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