Re: Infrastructure | Archive the following Perl bindings/modules (#363)

Title: GitLab

Brian Manning commented:


We have mostly finished the process of deprecating and releasing older Gtk-Perl modules. Now that deprecation releases have been made, please archive (make read-only) the below list of repos:

perl-Gnome2 perl-Gnome2-Canvas perl-Gnome2-Dia perl-Gnome2-GConf perl-Gnome2-Notify perl-Gnome2-PanelApplet perl-Gnome2-Print perl-Gnome2-Rsvg perl-Gnome2-VFS perl-Gnome2-Vte perl-Gnome2-Wnck perl-GStreamer perl-GStreamer-GConf perl-GStreamer-Interfaces perl-Gtk2-GLExt perl-Gtk2-GladeXML perl-Gtk2-Html2 perl-Gtk2-MozEmbed perl-Gtk2-Recent perl-Gtk2-SourceView perl-Gtk2-SourceView2 perl-Gtk2-Spell perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon perl-Gtk2-TrayManager perl-Gtk2-Unique

After the above repos have been archived, you can re-close this issue.

There may be up to 3 more repos we would like to archive in the future, but I don't have a timeline at the moment as to when that will happen. I can reopen this issue if/when the code in these additional 3 repos has been deprecated.


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