Infrastructure | Create gitlab CI for extensions rebooted (#343)

Title: GitLab

Sri Ramkrishna created an issue #343:

Hi Infra folks: I'm working on the extensions rebooted initiative - and I've gotten around to where I have a container that will run gnome-shell headless and be able to load an extension for testing. It does a simple loading test to see if it breaks or not. But to get further I need to start putting this into a ci pipeline.

The container does not use docker unfortunately, but podman - this is because podman is optimized to use systemd and so it is a lot easier to use podman/buildah to build these container images than I would with docker of which information is somewhat sparse.

I am hoping that this is not too painful. As I understand it my research tells me that we need to use a custom executor: in order for this work.

I will also add that this container is using all distro versions of gnome-shell and at some point in the near future that we will want to start using images built using buildstream so that we can start using pre-release versions of gnome-shell for testing. For now, we will do tests on extensions near release but I would love to see us be able to test extensions on a per-commit basis or even on MRs so that we know breakages ahead of time.

The initiative is documented here - -

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