Re: Infrastructure | Collect resource statistics from GUADEC 2020 (#372)

Title: GitLab

Philip Withnall commented:

OK, here’s the service and timer file which I’ve written. They should be self-contained and can just be dropped into /etc/systemd/system, then systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable --now co2-stats.{service,timer}.

The timer runs every 30 minutes and the output is appended to /var/log/$(hostname).co2-stats.json. That’s the file I’ll need at the end of it all. Every log entry basically contains the output of date, uptime and ifstat.

Would it be possible to run the same service on the 4 pods and the database server? If the service starts now, then that’ll give several days of baseline usage data before GUADEC starts, so a comparison will be possible afterwards.

Thanks! 🙂



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