Günther Wagner created an issue #371:
Account details
Please provide the following information:
- Your full name: Günther Wagner
- Permanent email address: info gunibert de (or gwagner gnome org)
- Requested account name. Please note nicknames are NOT allowed (https://wiki.gnome.org/AccountsTeam/AccountNamePolicy): gwagner existing account available
- Explanation why you think you should get an account: I want to help triaging bugs for GNOME Builder. Take some burden from Christian which benefits the project
- Attach (do not paste inline!) the public part of your passphrase protected SSH version 2 key pair (usually ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub). id-rsa.pub
Note: We require RSA (4096 preferred). Use ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
. Please make sure your key matches all the requirements listed at
https://wiki.gnome.org/AccountsTeam/SSHKeyGuidelines. If your key does not match all requirements, it will not be possible to use it, and
your accounts application will be significantly delayed.
/cc @averi