Moving the Open Desktop Review System to gnome infra?

Hi all,

The ODRS is a web service designed as a replacement for the
proprietary Ubuntu Reviews server. It's got nearly a thousand reviews
submitted by end users and gets about 20,000 requests for review data
every day. We use it in GNOME Software for both the review system and
also the "star ratings" we give to apps. Any application /could/
upload or consume reviews, but so far only GNOME Software does. We've
got about two dozen different distributions using it too, although the
majority of reviews come from Fedora users. The amount bandwidth it
uses is tiny (actual numbers on request) as it is a simple flask
python3 web application that just needs access to a database and
serves up JSON blobs back to gnome-software to parse.

Teams of moderators (typically also using gnome-software) moderate any
submissions flagged for review, and end users decide the review
popularity based on the usual "Was this review useful to you:  Yes :
No" type buttons. This has been in operation for about 6 months. I've
had reliability issues with OpenShift (and it costs quite a bit per
month to host a HA site) and quite a few people have asked me to ask
here if the site would be suitable to move to a GNOME VM.

The code is and is all free
software. I'd be happy to make changes (e.g. code, or adding something
like a link to the GNOME privacy policy) if anything looks fishy. I'm
also not a web programmer, so I'm sure someone will find something

Thanks for consideration, and happy to answer questions,


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