Re: Request: Enable external storage support on GNOME OwnCloud instance

Hi Andrea,

Thanks. I was only thinking of it as a standard user perspective. I have
music / pictures stores in an amazon s3 bucket, and I find using this
plugin to make access to the bucket rather seamless. After I mount the
s3 bucket in OwnCloud, it's available as any other mounted folder - even
within Nautilus.

If your concern is around, say, a GNOME team member copying sensitive
files onto their personal, externally-mounted storage share, then this
would indeed cause a problem.

It just depends on how we're intended to use this. If it's more intended
for GNOME development and GNOME team usage, then your case makes sense.
If it's more intended as a perk for GNOME members, then this would be
nice to have.  : )

No worries either way, though.  Thanks for your consideration.


On Tue, 2015-01-27 at 02:25 +0100, Andrea Veri wrote:
Hey Jim!

I've personally never used the "External Storage" plugin myself and
I'm wondering whether introducing it might create some fuss between
users in the case, for example, they configure an external share and
they erroneously copy a sensitive file on it. We want to have control
over the files we manage and I feel introducing such plugin might not
be the best solution as files will suddenly be served by several other
cloud services at the same time.

Is there a specific reason you felt this plugin could have been a nice
addition? what's your experience with it so far?

2015-01-23 3:16 GMT+01:00 Jim Campbell <jcampbell gnome org>:

I'm not sure if this is the proper venue for this request, but I wanted
to request that the external storage support feature [0] be enabled in
the GNOME OwnCloud instance.

The administrator would need to enable the feature in the admin
dashboard, but users could configure their external storage options (if
any) via their own personal accounts.

This plugin is part of the OwnCloud core application, and is not a
third-party / unsupported plugin.

Thank you for your consideration,


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