Changes to where puppet.git and dns.git are stored (and more on the latest unexpected maintenance)

Hey guys,

right after the unexpected maintenance [1] we had a few days ago I started thinking more about the possible improvements we could add to our systems to prevent the machines themselves to be not accessible in case of NFS / GlusterFS going down. (like it happened on the latest case, where a memory leak on the glusterfs built-in NFS server resulted in a page fault and a crash of the same istance)

We did perform some improvements already and I would like the whole team to be aware of them given their impact on where the resources (specifically puppet.git and dns.git) can be found:

1. we recently moved away everywhere from NFS to the GlusterFS native client (the RHEL 5 boxes are lacking behind but hopefully the next glusterfs stable release should solve the memory leak bug on the NFS daemon)
2. we published the machines Serial Numbers at [2] and on /home/admin/machine-serial-numbers in case RHIT requesting them when troubleshooting the issue at PHX2.
3. we moved the puppet.git and dns.git repositories away from an NFS mounted directory to

On this regard please make sure to adjust your local copy of the repository through the .git/config file, the correct path now should be:

ssh://LOGIN puppet-back/git/puppet.git
ssh://LOGIN puppet-back/git/dns.git

The instructions on our SOP have been updated as well to reflect this. [3] [4] [5] (make sure to read how to access the -back channel through SSH correctly)

Please let me know if anything is unclear or you can't access the resources properly.





Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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