About Bugzilla

I first want to thank the sysadmin team for their hard and awesome work.

I have a few thoughts about our Bugtracker, Bugzilla I want to share
with the sysadmin team. I find it very strange that Bugzilla are not
listed among our other services on the wiki[1].

The Bugzilla version (3.4) the GNOME project use are quite old. I
think it would be a good idea to consider do a upgrade to a modern 4.x
version, this would provide many benefits in form of features,
performance. A implementation of a modern  Bugzilla would also allow
the web team to work on a new custom design for Bugzilla (they don't
want work on a design based on 3.x and have to redo work for the 4.x
version) [2]. Mozilla's implementation of Bugzilla are a good example
of a modern, 4.x implementation of Bugzilla [3].

I understand of course that a migration to a new version of Bugzilla
are not an easy task, and that  the sysadmin team have very
constrained resources, with that said I still think this is something
worth doing. There exists people who might be willing to help with a
migration [4].

1 https://wiki.gnome.org/Sysadmin
2 https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeWeb/ToDo
3 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/
4 https://blogs.gnome.org/aklapper/2014/03/06/wikimedias-road-to-bugzilla-4-4/

-mvh Oliver Propst

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