Re: Source for gnome wiki theme

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:21:55PM +0200, Andrea Veri wrote:
Well, as explained on my Sysadmin Team report we have switched all the
static resources to static-web and the same applies to the wiki as you can
see at [1].

Thanks! Noticed later as mailman was a bit backlogged after spammer
sending 170k+ of crap. is code that should be part of MoinMoin, it is not something
static. So e.g. live-back should have a checkout of static-web and
automatically update maybe.

I tried setting up above and noticed that the proxies don't
automatically update static-web (the checkout of static-web was linking
to css-web or something). Tried to fix that, but there are differences
between what is on the server and what is in the repository. I fear I
might break things.


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