HOW TO: a new way for managing the DNS zone files

Hi Sysadmins,

we recently introduced DNSSEC on's tree (we'll be slowly moving all the other important domains like to it) and we've just updated the guidelines to properly manage the DNS zone file.

I made a wiki page for this which is available at [1], please follow all the instructions carefully and eventually ask if unsure about something.

As a side note I did start introducing the SSHFP DNS field to properly check if a specific host SSH fingerprint is the one you should be connecting to and not the wrong one in case of a MITM attack.

An example:

;; ANSWER SECTION: 900 IN SSHFP 1 1 7CCC918309F2724D444E7FBE3E19901AF6F56BA9

The above is what it's stored on our DNS server, checking if my known_hosts file has the right value can be done this way:

ssh -oVerifyHostKeyDNS=yes -v (or {master, webapps2}

The result should be something like:

debug1: Server host key: RSA 00:39:fd:1a:a4:2c:6b:28:b8:2e:95:31:c2:90:72:03
debug1: matching host key fingerprint found in DNS

There are also a few news about emergency gnome org and the Pagerduty setup we just finalized on Nagios / Request Tracker. Patrick will mail the list later today with more details about that given he personally set it up.

Have an awesome day!



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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