GNOME IP geolocation server


Satabdi has worked in the past couple of weeks on a IP geolocation
server and client for GNOME, both of which are available in:

The server uses the library code from GeoIP available under the LGPL:
as well as databases from MaxMind, which are available under a CC

I'd like GNOME to offer IP geolocation services for geocode-glib users
through a service like:

But there are plenty of open questions:
- I'd like to avoid answering requests from non-free, or clients other
than based on geocode-glib. Is that something we can do?
- Should we change the license of the service to AGPL?
- What should be our privacy terms for the service itself, and are they
implementable by the sysadmin team?
- What should we do about security checking the service itself so that
it isn't an attack vector?


PS: Resending as this was originally send to gnome-sysadmin@

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