Freeing space on bugzilla-web (was Re: Freeing space on menubar)

On Tue, 2009-10-06 at 11:37 +0200, Olav Vitters wrote:
> Could someone clean it up a bit? The postfix logs are 10GB/week since 2
> weeks or so (it WILL run out of space really soon). Plus a p0f logfile.
> Maybe compress the logfiles, maybe keep less logfiles. At least the
> postfix should be daily, not weekly. Grepping through GB+ logfiles is
> excessive.

Just found we were out of space on causing
problems with uploading attachments, sending mail, etc.

It doesn't have a very big / - just 5G including the system image, and
we had ~2.7G of log files.

I added logrotate to our puppet moduleset and configured it to compress
log files by default - when the old log files were compressed that took
the space usage down to about 500M.

This is global across all log files on all our puppet-managed systems -
it seems like the right default.

Menubar isn't puppet managed yet, so it won't help with problem that
Olav is pointing out, someone still needs to deal with that.

- Owen

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