Archived modules (SVN->Git, new ones)

We still have a lot of archived modules in SVN. I'd appreciate if these
could be converted into Git modules as well. There is a possibility of
corruption, as people might not look at the quality of the conversion.
However, I prefer having all the history in just one repository system.

At one point I converted the archived CVS stuff to SVN. Same should
happen with what is now in SVN.

Anyway, aside from the conversion, we would need to have an archive
possibility anyway.

Perhaps something like
 /git-archive  (although would break tab completion ;)

Then some pre-commit hook that disallows pushes to modules residing in
/git-archive (this is how SVN archive worked).

Not sure of the exact details. I don't want to know too much about Git :)

1. People agree?
2. Someone who can (wants to) setup above?

PS:{txt,doap} should NOT include
archived modules.
PS2: cgit *should* show then as a category, but only at the very bottom
PS3: IMO cgit should be called browse


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