Re: Sandbox SVN repository or module

Em Seg, 2007-03-05 �10:20 +1100, Jeff Waugh escreveu:
> I've been thinking about something similar, though a bit more general than
> SoC -> a "" incubator for new projects and developers. Maybe
> trying this out practically for SoC would be useful. Infrastructurally, this
> need not have a huge cost at all, though I would like to have a separate
> machine for (to separate shell and svn logins for incubating
> projects and developers).

A separate would be nice, but not strictly needed, I
think. We could just create a new group to which we would add students,
whose members would be able to connect to but not write
to /svn, only /labs or something.

I don't think it's ideal, I guess we would have lots of dangling
accounts after some time, but it's possible, nevertheless.

Guilherme de S. Pastore

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