Looping GET to http://gnome.org, high load

[ Note - after making the changes below the load is still high - around
  80 - after restarting httpd, so I'm investigating more ]

So I happened to log onto gnome.org this morning and found that it's
load was 120 ... apparently all coming from httpd.

The culprit seemed to be lines in:


Like: - - [03/Sep/2006:07:53:57 -0400] "GET ////////// [ several hundred ] ////// HTTP/1.0" 301 793 "-" "-"

So apparently some program somewhere inside the Sun network was having trouble with the
www.gnome.org => gnome.org redirect.

Olav made the good suggestion that the problem was likely that we (intentionally?) have 
the redirect as the very first virtual host, so if someone is sending HTTP requests
without a host, they were getting into an infinite loop.

I moved the redirect below the www.gnome.org entry ... obviously this makes things
a little less functional - if we have other hostnames pointing at the server they
don't get redirected - but shouldn't be fragile in this way.

I also added an explicit block on for the gnome.org virtual host in
case the analysis above was wrong and it was sending a gnome.org host repeatedly.

I'm not sure exactly = sydea-pix-1.sun.com NAT's but some set of
users may not be able to get to gnome.org with that Deny line. They'll get to 
www.gnome.org fine, however.

For someone to investigate - why was a / being added at every redirect - it doesn't
look to me like that should happen with:

 RedirectMatch permanent /(.*) http://www.gnome.org/$1

						- Owen

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