Re: dict server

Em Dom, 2006-01-22 �18:04 +0100, Reinout van Schouwen escreveu:
> Hello all,


> Following up on bug 167366, I am hereby asking if it would be possible to run a 
> dictionary server on

I personally think that our current infrastructure cannot handle any
more services, specially as widely/frequently used ones as a dictionary
or weather service (and I am not sure it will ever be able to host such
a thing). And for their being publicly available, I am not sure if would be the correct place to host them (at least as long as
we have pending improvements for our own services).

GNOME has a huge number of users, and even non-GNOME users might start
using our service if it is good too, which will almost certainly
overload us. Is there a way we could host only a list of dictionary
servers? That way I think it might be closer to something feasible.


Guilherme de S. Pastore (fatalerror)
<guilherme pastore terra com br>

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