Re: Mail configuration changes

On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 02:47 +0700, Ross Golder wrote:
> Hi,
> I've added the following lines to /etc/postfix/ on the various
> servers:
> # For Postfix 2.0.11 (RHEL3):
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases, ldap:ldapsource
> ldapsource_server_host = ldap-back
> ldapsource_search_base = ou=people,dc=gnome,dc=org
> ldapsource_query_filter = (uid=%s)
> ldapsource_result_attribute = mail
> # For Postfix 2.2+
> #alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases,
> ldap:/etc/postfix/
> This means that local mail to users on the various servers will be
> redirected to the user's remote mailbox, instead of generating
> 'procmail: /var/spool/mail/login can't be created' bounce messages.
> I've also added:
> relayhost =
> So that all outbound mail is passed via menubar.

- Is the above properly taking into account whether someone is supposed
  to have a alias? Or are we happy with 
  <foo>@<servername> working for all people with accounts?

- Is mail to gnomeweb www gnome org still getting delivered locally?
  If not, auto website builds will not work.


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