Re: Updating translations on GItlab

2018-02-04 16:39 GMT+01:00 Aurimas Cernius <aurisc4 gmail com>:
Stupid question: how do I push updated translations for projects, that
were moved to Gitlab?

It should work the same as always, but you do have to change the URL, like this:

git remote set-url origin git gitlab gnome org:GNOME/gnome-shell.git

Submitting using Damned Lies works as well.

I'm getting this:

[aurimas@localhost gnome-builder]$ git remote set-url origin
git gitlab gnome org:GNOME/gnome-builder.git
[aurimas@localhost gnome-builder]$ git push
git gitlab gnome org: Permission denied
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Is there some more setup that needs to be done?

That’s weird. Maybe you need an account on ?
Log in with your GNOME LDAP credentials.

Piotr Drąg

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