Re: Error commiting translation into user-docs [system admin guide]


Can you please include gnome-user-docs's "system-admin-guide" dir to "" ?

Translators are trying to commit translations via Damned Lies to System Admin Guide, but, just like any other documentation in a non-standard place, it is denied by default. (

Thanks in advance,
Rafael Fontenelle

2017-07-28 9:27 GMT-03:00 Daniel Mustieles García <daniel mustieles gmail com>:
H all,

I'me getting the following error when trying to commit a System Admin Guide translation update using DL:

«[Errno 1] b"remote: translations user cannot modify 'system-admin-guide/es/es.po' \nTo ssh://\n ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)\nerror: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'\n"»

Not sure if this issue can be fixed from DL's admin panel or if it's something Infrastructure Team should fix instead.

Thanks for your help!

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