ANNOUNCE: Pitivi video editor release

Hi everyone,

Our team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the 0.98 release of Pitivi, a slim and powerful video editor. This series of releases focuses on bug-fixing, to make Pitivi stable and reliable. In the near future we'll have a 0.99 release and then finally 1.0. In this context, now would be a good time to update the translations for Pitivi, as messages won't change much until 1.0.

In the current release, we removed the hardcoded width of the layer controls which was causing the ruler of the timeline to appear out of sync in some languages. We also eyeballed the translatable strings and fixed the ones marked incorrectly as translatable.

A big thank you to the translators who contributed to the current release:
   ca  Jordi Mas
   cs  Marek Černocký
   de  Mario Blättermann
   es  Daniel Mustieles
   fr  Claude Paroz
   hu  Balázs Meskó
   lt  Aurimas Černius
   pl  Piotr Drąg
pt_BR  Rafael Fontenelle
   pt  Tiago Santos
   sk  Dušan Kazik
   sr  Мирослав Николић
   uk  Daniel Korostil
If you want to try the latest Pitivi release, please install it with Flatpak.

Alex Băluț

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