Re: New DL option for committers

2015-10-22 10:38 GMT-02:00 Sveinn í Felli <sv1 fellsnet is>:
Þann fim 22.okt 2015 03:15, skrifaði Michael (C0bb3r):
Sveinn again thank you, you are a legend.I have successfully committed
my first translation to the system and I wouldn't have done it if it
wasn't for your assistance. I didn't understand that D-L needed to see
each individual job done even though I review each translation as I do
it I should have asked years ago.

Well, this is sort-of how FOSS works; Rafael Ferreira and Baurzhan Muftakhidinov pointed me to this workflow, now I fed it to you, and someday you'll surely give hints to somebody else.

OTOH, the submitting process in D-L is clearly quite non-intuitive, despite being rather logical once you have gone through these steps first time. Don't know exactly how it could be explained better, or being made more visible.

Best regards,
Sveinn í Felli 
The above workflow image might help.

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