Re: Not full gettext support for Gimp Gap

You are right, this string appears in gap/gap_vex_main.c, but it isn't marked as a translatable string.

There are several strings with the same problem in this file... it would be advisable to open a bug in order  developers to review all the source code.

2012/1/14 Коростіль Данило <ted korostiled gmail com>
On 01/14/2012 08:45 PM, Daniel Mustieles García wrote:
Is "el.po" your languaje po file?

$ grep -i videorange el.po | grep -v ^#

msgid "Extract Videorange"
msgid "Select Videorange"
msgid "Videorange"

2012/1/14 Коростіль Данило <ted korostiled gmail com>
On 01/14/2012 08:31 PM, Daniel Mustieles García wrote:
Note you're looking in another banch. This string appears in master branch, but not in gap-2-0, so that's why you can't find it in your po files.
Nope, everything is fine:
git branch
* master

Andre got it. What about: "Extract frames from videofiles…"?

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