Translating labels with inserted widgets

Hi *,

I'm looking for some input regarding bug 654548[1].

The bug's problem is a spinbutton widget that is inserted between two
labels in eog's preferences dialog. This is problematic to translate at
least into Zulu as the label that is after the spinbutton would be
empty. Is this an issue to other languages as well? If yes, how did you
solve/worked around it?

As we currently can't come up with a better solution/string to solve it,
the proposed solution is to assign translation contexts to the labels to
allow setting one of the two label strings empty (avoiding problems if
one subsentence is used elsewhere). Also tranlator comments explaining
the situation to translators can be added.
Would that be a viable translation to you?

Thanks in advance,


P.S.: Other proposals to solve it are of course welcome too. ;)


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