Re: Adding Solang help to Damned Lies

Am Sonntag, den 07.03.2010, 20:01 +0100 schrieb THEVENET Florent:
> Hello,
> I recently wrote a end-user help for Solang in Mallard.
> As far as I understand help files have to be translated with .po files,
> like strings in source code.
> So here is the .pot file generated from the help files with xml2po.
> Could someone add it to Damned lies ?
It is not needed to provide a handmade *.pot file. Once the Solang help
is integrated in the "Damned Lies" pages, the template will be generated
automatically. This is very useful for translators, because at this way
they get merged *.po files automatically and immediately, when changes
in the *.page files happen.

That's why anyone have to add this to the "damned lies" pages. That's


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