Re: typo on gnome-main-menu?


Am Dienstag, den 01.06.2010, 22:20 +0700 schrieb Andika Triwidada:
> $ grep -rHn "than this limit" *|head -1
> main-menu/etc/                <long>determines
> the limit of items in the file-area.  The number favorite items is not
> limited.  This limit applies to the number of recent items, i.e. the
> number of recent items displayed is limited to max_total_items - the
> number of favorite items.  If the number of favorite items exceeds
> max_total_items - min_recent_items than this limit is ignored.</long>
> "... than this limit ..." -> shouldn't it be "... then this limit ..." ?
> Otherwise I must rethink my translation.

Despite that I think there is an "of" missing in the first line, could
you file a bug against the main-menu, please? I am sure the developers
will fix it.


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