Re: String review for gnome-color-manager

On Fri, 2010-02-19 at 11:12 +0000, Richard Hughes wrote:
> Hey,
> I've attached the gnome-color-manager.pot file for current git master.
> I would very much appreciate it if you language legends could take a
> look at my attempts to make calibrating color easy, and suggest better
> sentences if my words do not make sense. If there are any difficult to
> translate sentences, or strings without context that need context then
> please shout. Thanks!

Hi Richard,

In addition to the comments Bruce has made, I've got a few:

 * "If ICC profiles should be loaded from external disks." -> "Whether
ICC profiles"...

 * "If set to TRUE then external disks ... This may increase start-up
time if disks need to be spun-up to be searched." -> ..."may increase
startup time"..."need to be spun up to"...

 * "If the display should be globally corrected or left to
applications." -> "Whether the display"...

 * "The CMYK profile file name to be used by applications by default."
-> "The CMYK profile filename to be"...

 * "The RGB profile file name to be used by applications by default." ->
"The RGB profile filename to be"...

 * "The default gamma to use for monitors with no previous selection."
-> "The default gamma to use for monitors with no previous value set."

 * "Copyright (c)" -> "Copyright ©" (see Bruce's Unicode comments)

 * "The [description|copyright|model|manufacturer] for the profile"
-> ..."of the profile"

 * "Device ID, e.g. xrandr_ibm_france_ltn154p2_l05" could use quotation
marks around the example

 * The following two strings could do with translator comments, or might
be candidates for using stock strings instead?
   #: ../src/gcm-prefs.c:1476
   msgid "Yes"
   msgstr ""

   #: ../src/gcm-prefs.c:1478
   msgid "No"
   msgstr ""

 * "Color Management DBus Service" -> ..."D-Bus Service"

 * "File name:" -> "Filename:"

 * "Import a ICC file from another location" -> "Import an ICC file"...

Additionally, from looking at the screenshots[1] of g-c-m, it looks like
there are quite a few places where strings are in the wrong case. Window
and dialogue titles, button labels and section headings should all be in
Title Case.

Other than that, I can't see any problems. Nice one.



> Richard.
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