String additions to 'gnome-desktop.master'

This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:

There have been following string additions to module 'gnome-desktop.master':

+ "CRTC %d cannot drive output %s"
    + "CRTC %d does not support rotation=%s"
    + "CRTC %d: trying mode %dx%d %dHz with output at %dx%d %dHz (pass %d)\n"
    + "cannot clone to output %s"
    + "could not assign CRTCs to outputs:\n%s"
    + "none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:\n%s"
    + "output %s does not have the same parameters as another cloned output:\nexisting mode = %d, new mode = %d\nexisting coordinates = (%d, %d), new coordinates = (%d, %d)existing rotation = %s, new rotation = %s"
    + "output %s does not support mode %dx%d %dHz"

Note that this doesn't directly indicate a string freeze break, but it
might be worth investigating.

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