Re: Don't add ChangeLog entries to ChangeLog-less modules

Am Dienstag, den 17.03.2009, 12:03 -0500 schrieb Jason D. Clinton:
> Please stop this. This is simple: if there is no ChangeLog file A)
> don't create one and B) don't change files that aren't named
> "ChangeLog". For example, "ChangeLog.old" does not fit the rule you
> cite and therefore the existing "rule" is sufficient and clear.
> Modifying ChangeLog.old or anything similar is asking to have your
> commit reverted.

There are rules out there (have ChangeLog files) and there is reality
out there (some maintainers don't want ChangeLog files).

I won't comment on the original discussion, but on reality:

What about adding a paragraph (to the wikipage that was already
mentioned) explaining that some modules do not have a ChangeLog file
(because maintainers don't want one) and also explicitly state that only
files named "ChangeLog" (not "ChangeLog.old" or whatever) should be

It's all easier and less confusing if it's documented. Guessing doesn't
help anybody (and I probably have also edited ChangeLog.old files while
committing po files in the last days - tabbing on the shell after
entering "Ch").


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