How successful is your module among translators?

Right now Damned Lies provides convenient ways to find the most
successful translation teams, e. g.:
- or 

I think DL is a very useful and usable translation tool. Sorting modules
by name helps us finding them, and sorting teams by translation
completion makes DL more usable for the people actually using it. But
then, don't we love to see when our teams progress in that list?

Maybe we should give developers _that_ kind of feedback!

The module pages are already very good at showing developers how well
are they doing with translators. And they are very rich: they provide
quick information on how many teams translated the module, and how
homogeneous is the translation status among team.

What Damned Lies doesn't provide yet is information about how do modules
compare to each other. That kind of information is less useful than that
from the module page, but there are all kinds of people, and I'm sure
many developers would care to see their modules among the top

We could sort the modules (inside a release set) using a translation
index, which would be the sum of the percentual translations. E. g., 50%
+ 30% = 0,8; 10% + 20% + 30% + 40% = 1,0; 90% + 85% + 95% = 2,7; and so
on. Of course, adjusting the index for quality would be great, but I
doubt we can easily measure quality.

So, do you think the idea is worth a formal feature request?

Leonardo Fontenelle

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