Some useful scripts


To ease my translation/revision workflow I have made some small bash
scripts that I'm attaching if anyone things they are useful :)

- svnco: to download a given module from GNOME svn
* svnco MODULENAME and it will download the trunk to a MODULENAME folder
* svnco MODULENAME BRANCH and it will download the given branch and save
* svnco MODULENAME BRANCH FOLDER to download a specific BRANCH in a
given FOLDER folder

- rmsvn: delete every single file that isn't in the repository (the ones
marked as ? when you run a "svn status") it will wait 2 seconds to give
a chance to Ctrl+C it

- msgstatus LANG : updates a given language (you have to be in the po
folder) and also it creates (if it doesn't exit) a LANG.svn.po
It's really useful to update the po file, modify it and then run a meld
LANG.svn.po LANG.po :)

- diffsvn LANG: it creates a diff between the LANG.svn.po and LANG.po, I
was planning to create a tar.bz2 or zip file with all three files
(LANG.po LANG.svn.po and LANG.po.diff) but it's more easier to just open
the po directory with Nautilus, select them and use the nautilus-sendto
to send a mail to your mailing list :)

Just put them somewhere in the path so the terminal will find them and
enjoy :)

The only script that has to be configured is the svnco, just change my
username for your at that's all (it's at the beginning of the script :)

Comments, thoughts, rants are welcome :)


gil forcada

[ca] - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
[en] - a non-stopping free network

Attachment: svnco
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: rmsvn
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: diffsvn
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: msgstatus
Description: application/shellscript

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