Ankur Team and Joining

// First time, my email rejected by unknown problem.
// So I send mail again with Cc'ed. I wish Ankur Team see this mail. 

Hi, I'm Byung-Hee.

I am from Korea. And I'm student of small university in Korea. Here in
Korea I knew one people, Afroza KHATUN, who is Ph.D student from
Bangladesh. Everyday, I work together with Afroza in laboratory. Still,
however, I do not know Bangladesh's language well. But now I am studying
Bangladesh's language myself.  

I want to join the Ankur Team so that my efforts can be help to Afroza. 
In particular, I like GNOME Translation Team because I am using GNOME
desktop on FreeBSD.

I'll wait for your approval.


Byung-Hee HWANG <bh izb knu ac kr>

"I'll reason with him."
		-- Vito Corleone, "Chapter 14", page 200

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