Re: PO files are not updated automatically in SVN

Thanks for your reply. But I have another problem with this. Usually, I use "svn co svn+ssh://zyang svn gnome org/svn/software/trunk/po software-trunk" to check out only the po files. And there is the problem: intltool-update can not be run in this po directory directly. I suggest we use some kind of script to automatically update the po files, since check out the whole source tree is really time&space consuming.

2007/8/15, Iestyn Pryce <dylunio gmail com>:
Ar Mer, 2007-08-15 am 16:42 +0800, ysgrifennodd 杨章:
> hello, all
>        I used to start my translation from the po/pot files from
> damned lies and everything is OK. But there has been problems since I
> got my own svn account. It seems that the po files in SVN are not
> automatically updated. For example. in gdm2-trunk (NOW), you can find
> zh_CN.po with 970 items and zh_TW.po with only 781 items and en_GB.po
> with 944 items. The POT-creation-date in their header varies greatly.
> I wonder if there is a mechanism to automatically update all the po
> files daily or after every string change or just after string
> freezing. I do think that we need such a mechanism since it's really
> terrible to manually download the pot file from damned lies and
> msfmerge it and them "svn commit". I hope there is a way out (or there
> is already a way ? please let me know, thanks ).
> Best wishes,
> Yours, YangZhang

I think one should use the intltool-update tool[1] for this. You run it
in the po directory:

intltool-update languagecode

for instance:

intltool-update zh_CN

This updates .po file that language, so that you have all the new
strings to translate (and old unneeded ones are removed).

Iestyn Pryce



Yang Zhang

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