UI change & string changes in gnome-panel

Hi all,

I committed a big patch to gnome-panel changing the dialog to edit
launchers. It's now a nice dialog :-) (release team approved the change)
Since it's documented in the user guide, it means some work for the doc

Also, a bunch of strings has been added/modified in gnome-panel:

New strings:

"- Edit .desktop files"
"Directory Properties"
"Could not save launcher"
"Application in Terminal"
"Browse icons"
"Choose an application..."
"Choose a file..."
"The name of the launcher is not set."
"The command of the launcher is not set."
"The location of the launcher is not set."

Modified strings:

"Can't find an empty spot" => "Cannot find an empty spot"
"Key %s is not set, can't load launcher\n" => "Key %s is not set, cannot
load launcher\n"



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