Re: Nautilus strings where are they

Hi Martin,

Please keep Ubuntu-related problems off gnome-i18n (yes, I know nobody
responded to you on ubuntu-devel, but I don't know how do they manage
their modified translations there anyway).

Still, let me answer your question.

Today at 13:16, Martin Willemoes Hansen wrote:

> I found two strings, in Ubuntu preview 1, which I cant find in Nautilus
> for translation.
> Anybody know where these strings are located? In which package?

These are most likely Ubuntu additions.  Take a look at
nautilus/src/nautilus-window-menus.c, and you'll see that there's no
"_Network" in there (while all the other menu items are there).

To test that this is indeed so, you should do the following:
 $ cd /usr/share/locale-langpack/da/LC_MESSAGES
 $ msgunfmt -o /tmp/da.po
(add msgid "_Network"/msgstr "your translation" to /tmp/da.po)
 $ sudo msgfmt -o /tmp/da.po
 $ killall -HUP nautilus

As for "Desktop", it might be using a context marker, since it's
already translated in Nautilus, or it might be in gnome-vfs (I get
many other untranslated messages in Ubuntu, such as "Blank CD-R disc",
which was once in gnome-vfs and/or gnome-volume-manager).


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