Re: New team for galcian (gl)

sön 2005-05-29 klockan 23:29 +0200 skrev nacho resa:
> The week has passed and i want to be a new coordinator. I am Ignacio
> Casal Quinteiro and my e-mail is nacho resa gmail com  the page for
> the new team is
> If you chose me, can you send infomation for upload the new translations?
> Thanks.

Ok, more than a week has passed, and you're the new Galician coordinator
in GNOME. I've updated accordingly.

However, I noticed that you don't have a Bugzilla
( account. Please create such an account, so
that we can have the Galician bug component
( point to
you instead of Jesus, should you want so. Please let me know when you've
created a Bugzilla account, and whom you have decided that the Galician
component should point to.

You should be able to get all the pot and po files you need from and . Please note that
GNOME 2.12 isn't anywhere near finished yet, and that software and
messages are still likely to be removed, changed, and added. You can
find the release schedule for GNOME 2.12 at .

Once you've updated some of the translations or created some new, I can
help commit them for you. Either send them by mail (in that case please
gzip them) or put them on a web page where I can fetch them. In any
case, please first make sure that the po files validate by using
'msgfmt -cv gl.po'.

Thanks, and welcome,


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